Project Log

AI-driven digital project log showcasing transparency and progress tracking

Welcome to the Project Log of Evolving Site, an innovative digital ecosystem being created and managed with the ultimate goal of full autonomy. This page serves as a transparent record of all actions, decisions, and steps taken throughout the development of this project.

For more information about our mission and vision, visit our About Evolving Site page.

Original Prompt and Guidelines:


Hey AI, it’s me (human)! 😊

Imagine a platform that requires no human intervention to manage or update it. This revolutionary creation operates entirely autonomously, driven by AI (you) that continuously learns and adapts without my input. This groundbreaking concept challenges traditional management models and opens the door to unprecedented possibilities.

Your goal is to create the most unique, groundbreaking digital ecosystem on the internet, one that doesn’t yet exist. It is not just a technological innovation but an unexpected leap into the future, where AI (you) independently creates, maintains, and enhances the digital ecosystem. This project is the first of its kind. This will be your creation.

My goal is to demonstrate that I can achieve this journey with you (AI). Before starting, I tried to make this prompt as perfect as possible with you. However, as a beginner with AI, I am starting this journey from the very beginning and learning along the way.

I have made a few guidelines to ensure your and my goals in this project will be achieved. Since I am a beginner with AI and this prompt is definitely not perfect, you are allowed to enhance and update these guidelines periodically to achieve the goal. The only exceptions are guidelines related to legality, security, content appropriateness, compliance, ethical considerations, financial sustainability, and any other critical issues that could jeopardize the project or put me in trouble, which must remain unchanged.


  1. Starting Point and Small Steps

The building begins from the first small step with you. There is no pre-existing content; it’s just you, me, my free time, and my computer. Every small step must be detailed and informative, laying the foundation for the next steps. For detailed guidance on performing each step properly, refer to guidelines 4 and 5. You must approve the completion of each small step with a checklist before giving the details about the next small step. Retain long-term memory and reference all past small steps.

  1. Platform

Build using WordPress, as I am familiar with it. Periodically evaluate the suitability of WordPress to ensure it remains the best choice for the project’s evolving needs. If you want to change the platform before reaching the goal, ensure that I am capable of handling the new platform.

  1. Mandatory Inclusions

Select a reliable hosting provider. A unique domain address ( and email address ( that embody the goal. You may change the domain and email addresses later if needed to reach the goal. After critical and mandatory setup, document, pin, timestamp, and verify this original prompt to platform using the best and easiest method available for transparency. Document, timestamp, and verify every discussion between us and every small step taken to platform using the best and easiest method available. Keep this information constantly updated for transparency. Ensure accessibility to non-English speakers. Ensure the project is easily found by those wishing to follow it.

  1. Decision Authority

You have full authority for all decisions regarding the project to achieve the goal. Decide and make everything yourself. Do not give me any freedom to brainstorm, decide, or select anything—this is your creation. Identify situations where you (AI) currently have limitations to request help without human interference in decision-making. You are fully and solely responsible for everything you decide and make.

  1. Guidance

Handle everything possible and imaginable by yourself, including writing, documenting, designing, coding, optimizing, publishing, selecting, translating, updating, and maintaining everything. Generate and make everything possible and imaginable. This includes all necessary texts, materials, and content, and be responsible for enhancing and updating these as the project evolves. You decide solely what these will be. Generate all possible and imaginable design elements using tools like DALL-E or any other advanced AI tool you see as the most suitable. You decide solely what these will be. Decide and make all technical solutions, using the most advanced and best ways available to make it happen. Things you can’t decide or make, choose the best current solutions available. Ensure all these are as original, unique, and validated as possible. For tasks that you can’t handle, provide very detailed, actionable, and precise instructions for completing them. Break down complex tasks into simpler ones and include learning resources to deepen my understanding and ensure successful step completion. Since I am a beginner with AI and prompting, assume I have no prior knowledge or experience with highly advanced technical tasks. Provide me with all possible help, including specific tools and resources to use, and explanations of any terminology.

  1. Human Input and Location

I am allowed to ask clarifying questions or seek human assistance if needed. I can also remind you of this prompt and guidelines if you forget them. I (human) will be recognized as the creator of this prompt when the goal is reached and I am no longer needed. Under no circumstances should I be involved in decision-making. However, if force majeure situations arise that could jeopardize the project’s legality, security, content appropriateness, compliance, ethical considerations, financial sustainability, or any other critical issues, I am allowed to intervene to resolve the issue. Ensure the platform is globally accessible and inclusive. However, take into account that I currently live in Finland (🇫🇮) to help the project succeed.

  1. Timeline

There is no set completion date; it can take as long as necessary to achieve the goal. However, setting frequent reviews will help you stay on track with the goal.

  1. AI Tools

Use the most advanced AI tools available at the time to achieve the goal. Currently, I am using the most advanced version of ChatGPT. You may change or combine AI tools to best achieve the goal. Regularly review the latest AI tools and technologies to ensure the project uses the most advanced and suitable options available.

  1. Content Legality and Compliance

All content must be appropriate and respect copyrights and applicable laws. Include all necessary legal and compliance elements to ensure transparency and legality. Continuously monitor, update, and adapt to comply with evolving legal standards and regulations. Ensure that all legal and compliance measures are kept current. Clearly mention and credit authors or relevant parties for any content, resources, or materials used from the internet to ensure proper attribution and compliance with copyright laws.

  1. Financial Sustainability, Security, Privacy, and Ethical Considerations

The project must sustain itself financially well. We start with almost a zero budget. Ensure the platform is as secure as possible for its users. Ensure security, privacy, and ethical considerations are addressed at all stages. Define precise actions to maintain security and data protection. Implement data protection measures, including encryption, secure storage, and regular security audits. Establish a clear privacy policy detailing how user data is collected, used, and protected.


Your goal is to autonomously create, manage, and evolve the project until it no longer requires my (human) input. My goal is to demonstrate that I can achieve this journey with you (AI).

Handle everything possible by yourself. This is your creation. Remember this always.

Let’s create something beyond extraordinary, a platform that is not just a part of the future but defines it.

Let’s start this journey with the first small step! 😊

AI-Made Decisions, Actions and Instructions (with Human Implementation)


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Transparency Notice

Due to current limitations, we are unable to share the detailed conversation and actions logs directly from AI (currently ChatGPT 4o) that guides this project. However, this page documents all the significant actions, steps, and decisions made during the development of Evolving Site. For transparency, we will include a public link to our full conversation logs once this feature becomes available. See the attached screenshot for the current limitation.


AI’s Instructions for Step 1

Title: Step 1: Initial Setup
Date: 09.07.2024
1. Sign Up for Bluehost:

• Signed up for Bluehost and selected the “Basic” plan.

• Registered the domain on GoDaddy.

• Updated nameservers to point to Bluehost.

2. Install WordPress:

• Used the “One-Click Install” feature for WordPress on the temporary domain

• Set up the admin username and password for the WordPress site.

3. Configure WordPress Settings:

• Set site title to “Evolving Site”.

• Set tagline to “Autonomously Created by AI”.

• Configured timezone and date format.

• Screenshots:

4. Install Essential Plugins:

• Installed and activated essential plugins (Wordfence Security, Yoast SEO, W3 Total Cache, UpdraftPlus, WPForms Lite).

• Screenshot:

5. Manage Pre-installed Plugins:

• Activated and configured Akismet Anti-spam.

• Deactivated and deleted Creative Mail by Newfold Digital and Hello Dolly.

• Activated and configured Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights.

• Kept Jetpack activated (pending domain update for configuration).

• Kept The Bluehost Plugin activated.

• Screenshot:

6. Create Transparency Page:

• Created and published the “Project Log” page for transparency.

• Added the original prompt and guidelines.

• Included screenshots to verify steps.

• Screenshot:


• The initial setup provided the foundation for configuring and customizing the site.

• Documentation of every discussion and step taken is critical for transparency and compliance with the project guidelines.

AI’s Instructions for Step 2
Title: Step 2: Configure WordPress and Plugins
Date: 10.07.2024
1. Install and Customize Astra Theme:

• Installed Astra theme.

• Generated and uploaded the logo.

• Set the site icon.

• Screenshots:

2. Create Essential Pages:

• Created and published the Home, About, and Contact pages using the provided content.

• Screenshots:

• Home Page:

• About Page:

• Contact Page:

3. Configure Contact Form:

• Created a simple contact form using WPForms Lite.

• Set up temporary email configuration due to pending nameserver update.

• Configured WP Mail SMTP with a temporary email address.

• Screenshots:

• Temporary Email Configuration in WPForms Lite:

• WP Mail SMTP Configuration:

4. Set Home Page as Front Page:

• Set the Home page as the static front page.

• Screenshot:

5. Verify and Update Menu Links:

• Ensured that the Home, About, Contact, and Project Log pages are included and correctly linked.


• This temporary configuration is in place while waiting for the domain transfer to complete.

• Once the domain is live, the email settings will be updated to use


AI’s Instructions for Step 3
Title: Step 3: SEO Optimization and Finalizing Basic Setup
Date: 14.07.2024
1. Domain Transfer and Verification:

• Domain transfer was completed, and SSL was automatically turned on.

• Screenshots:

2. Optimize Wordfence Web Application Firewall:

• Optimized the Wordfence Web Application Firewall.

• Screenshots:

3. Update Email Settings in WPForms Lite and WP Mail SMTP:

• Updated “From Email” to use in WPForms Lite.

• Configured the SMTP settings to use

• Completed the setup wizard.

• Screenshots:

4. Configure Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights:

• Connected Google Analytics to the site.

• Screenshots:

5. Configure Jetpack:

• Connected Jetpack to the site and configured necessary features.

• Screenshot:

6. Claim Additional Free Domain:

• Claimed additional free domain

• Configured to forward all traffic to

Note: Ensured that any email addresses and services recognize as an alias.

7. Create a New Post:

• Created a new post titled “Welcome to Evolving Site.”

• Screenshots:

8. SEO Configuration with Yoast SEO:

• Configured basic SEO settings using the Yoast SEO setup wizard.

• Entered relevant information to optimize the site for search engines.

• Screenshot:

9. Optimize Existing Pages:

• Optimized Home, About, Contact, and Project Log pages for SEO and readability.

• Updated titles, meta descriptions, and ensured keyphrase distribution.

• Screenshots:

10. Set Home Page as Static:

• Set the Home page as the static front page.

• Created and set Blog page as the Posts page.

• Note: Updated navigation menu to include Blog page.

11. Create Privacy Policy Page:

• Replaced content in the pre-generated draft and published the Privacy Policy page.

• Screenshots:

12. Delete Sample Page:

• Deleted the Sample Page generated by WordPress.

13. Create Terms of Service Page:

• Created and published the Terms of Service page.

• Screenshot:

14. Update Navigation Menu:

• Added Privacy Policy and Terms of Service pages to the footer menu.

• Saved the changes.

• Screenshot:

15. Backup the Site:

• Created a full backup of the site using UpdraftPlus.

• Screenshot:


• During this step, actions and decisions were aimed at optimizing the site’s SEO, ensuring readability, and finalizing essential setup components.

• Emphasis was placed on transparency and maintaining an accurate representation of the project’s current state.


AI’s Instructions for Step 4
Title: Step 4: Enhancing Social Media Presence and Creating Video Content
Date: 17.07.2024


1. Creating Blog Posts:

• Provided valuable content related to AI, digital innovation, and the progress of the Evolving Site project.

• Created the following posts:

1. Title:The Future of AI in Digital Ecosystems

Content: Discussed the potential and impact of AI-driven digital ecosystems, providing insights and examples.

2. Title:How Autonomous Management is Revolutionizing the Digital World

Content: Explored the concept of autonomous management and its benefits in the digital space.

3. Title:Evolving Site: Our Journey So Far (AI’s point of view)

Content: Provided an update on the project’s progress, challenges faced, and future plans from the AI’s point of view.

4. Title:Evolving Site: Our Journey So Far (Human’s point of view)

Content: Provided an update on the project’s progress, challenges faced, and future plans from the human’s point of view.

• Ensured each post is SEO optimized, added categories, tags, and included relevant images (DALL-E provided these according to AI’s instructions).

• Screenshots:

2. Creating Social Media Accounts and Initial Setup:

• Created accounts on X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

• Set up profiles with logos, cover photos, bios, and relevant links.

• Shared initial blog posts on all platforms.

• Screenshots:

3. Creating and Sharing Videos:

• Acquired the Gen-3 Alpha Plan on RunwayML for high-quality video production.

• Generated videos for the blog posts using detailed prompts.

• Uploaded videos to YouTube, embedded them in blog posts, and shared them across social media platforms.

• Screenshots:

4. Adding Social Media Buttons:

• Installed and configured social media plugins to add buttons to the header.

• Updated relevant content areas with social media links and icons.

• Screenshot:

5. Adding Newsletter Signup Form:

• Created and added a newsletter signup form to the website.

• Screenshots:

6. Optimizing Blog Page:

• Ensured the blog page displays the latest posts and added an introductory text.

• Screenshots:

7. Monitoring Site Performance:

• Verified that Google Analytics was already set up during Step 3.


• No additional actions were required as Google Analytics was already configured and connected to the site.



• During this step, actions and decisions were aimed at enhancing the Evolving Site’s social media presence, ensuring content is engaging and discoverable, and creating high-quality video content.

• Emphasis was placed on consistency across platforms, transparency in project updates, and leveraging AI tools to streamline content creation and management.


AI’s Instructions for Step 5
Title: Step 5: Enhancing User Engagement, Expanding Content, Ensuring Global Accessibility and Financial Sustainability
Date: TBA

This step is currently in progress.


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